Erica Michelle Hernandez

Previous Lab Member

Previously working as a cosmetologist, I always found myself intrigued by the chemicals we used and how they worked. My curiosity led me to Bergen Community College, where I received my Associate’s in Natural Sciences and Mathematics. At BCC, I worked in a microbiology lab. I led a project on antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their genetic makeup, and presented this project at Metropolitan Association of College and University Biologists (MACUB) in 2019 . I’m currently a biology major at Columbia, expected to graduate in 2022. 

As the lab manager for Dr. Kelley’s lab, when I’m not working on administrative tasks, I am also working on a project where we use micro-computed tomography to examine the anatomy of Xenopus larynges. In my spare time, I love to cook - it’s like edible chemistry! In my future, I hope to develop a career in biological research.